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Museum design
Interactive Exhibits
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Installazioni 2008
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Wesen - equal opportunities
Gulliver previousnext
The target of this installation is to illustrate which parts of the human body are routinely inspected by every technique, for example ultrasound scan checks the liver, the thorax is checked using radiology and the brain using magnetic resonance.
Gulliver - photo 1 Gulliver - photo 2 Gulliver - photo 3
Gulliver - video
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The installation consists of a large statue, approximately 6 metres tall, in a sleeping position. In some parts the statue has holes that enable the visitor to look inside.
Each hole offers an audio of the sound related to the relevant organ - e.g. the heart beat - or of sound related to the most appropriate diagnostic instrument, e.g. the sound of magnetic resonance as well as the display of the organ in question on a screen, as composed by the three detection diagnostics.