
Etnographic research – Pubblications 1998-2003

Attraverso Lo spazio contadino (Through farmers’ realm) Historic-ethnographic essay of the Pinerolo region. Marta Colangelo, Valter Careglio Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2003 Al tempo del grano (At the time of wheat) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2002 Lo spazio contadino (Farmers’ realms) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To),1998 Memorie diverse in una città di frontiera (Various memories from […]

Social analysis and pubblications

Conducive environment on gender equality at ITC/ILO, Politics and strategies for time reconciliation. Examples of good practices in France, Germany and Sweden, Keeping the pace. Women’s lives and experiences within the Equal Opportunities