Attraverso Lo spazio contadino (Through farmers’ realm) Historic-ethnographic essay of the Pinerolo region. Marta Colangelo, Valter Careglio Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2003 Al tempo del grano (At the time of wheat) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To), 2002 Lo spazio contadino (Farmers’ realms) Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (To),1998 Memorie diverse in una città di frontiera (Various memories from […]
The Wesen Institute is partner of the ITC/ILO in Turin (International Labour Organization) for the project “Break Gender Stereotypes, give talent a chance” (EU 2008) where it is responsible for the communication strategy planning and development.
Restauration and restoration of Leonardo’s Mill and Hydraulic Saw (reproduction of the XV century).
Within the project “How to communicate gender equality” (City Council of Turin, Assessorato Pari Opportunity 2007) the Wesen Institute has realized a training kit for teachers and an exhibition dedicated to student’s works on equal opportunites.
The exhibition, a multi-sensorial journey to the discovery of the genre stereotypes, has travelled within the region and has reached three provinces. The exhibit has been set up in Novara, Asti, Cuneo.
The students’ works realized in the framework of the project on gender stereotypes have been collected and have become an exhibit.
In the main hall of Porta Nuova, Turin station, a new exhibition on contemporary people’s rights: a sensorial journey to the discovery of the stereotypes that have influenced one hundred years of Italian history.
Installation about hydrogen as one single topic: what it is, how it is produced, how it is used and how financially viable it is.
The target of these installations is to open a window onto the technology used in the medical field for the imaging diagnosis, with particular attention to those technologies that enable us to see inside the human body.
This series of installations focus on the relationship between sport ad health.
Targeting a wide range of women and men, the calendar presents a supporting help and/or assessment perspective for those still unaware of the council’s work and commitment. A “distinguished” calendar, original and elegant about Equal Opportunities to inform, and more. Using studio photography, the calendar offers a woman’s image different from what usually suggested by […]
The value and strength of women in the Associations, the engine for the discovery of an associative culture for equal opportunities and well-being for all. A project conceived and promoted by: Confartigianto Imprese, Turin Casartigiani Turin CNA Imprese Coldiretti Turin Confcooperative APID Istituto WESEN Cooperativa Orso S&T Manager of Conciliation and Empowerment Index of the […]
The target of the installations is to enable visitors to experiment some aspects of cooperation as a means of survival, and linked to the individuals’ ability to enact, inter-dependant actions aiming to create – among the team members – the bond that facilitates reciprocal trust for the solution of a task that allows the achievement […]
Interactive installation about survival problematic in harsh environments; in environments requiring creativity, concentration and decisional ability among various, possible strategies.
“Divination” games designed for “self-prediction”; in other words to interpret a sign without the help of a oracle/wizard, etc. Objective: to introduce some of the divination arts from a historic and symbolic viewpoint, using the “divination game” form, to supply a series of information on its incorrect applications. In cooperation with Cicap.
The type of social and geographic environment where a person develops influences the creation of habits and traditions. Aim of the installation: to compare the Piedmont and Bahia sounds. A series of sounds and parallel environments are presented: nature, cities, religion, markets, sport, literature, carnival, tropical forests and Alpine wood, ocean, river, soccer stadiums and…Amado […]
The target of this installation is to put the visitor to the side of “social actors”: children, disabled people, etc. who hold a daily fight to adjust to an environment that was not designed for their requirements. Such effort has physical and psychological implications that this installation aims to make experience, while simultaneously reporting from […]
Conducive environment on gender equality at ITC/ILO, Politics and strategies for time reconciliation. Examples of good practices in France, Germany and Sweden, Keeping the pace. Women’s lives and experiences within the Equal Opportunities
A project for the re-organization of the Pinerolo Ethnographic Museum. Spring room Passages and the mine The kitchen
Guidelines to the project for the Museum of Mechanics and bearings in Villar Perosa
A project for the creation of a scientific permanent museum/temporary exhibition, with the theme: the human body. Heartbeat Cell Heart Skin Muscles Sense of smell Bones
A project for an interactive museum with the theme: the relationship between Water and the Region.
A project for the widening of the Museum of Tastes in Frossasco. Test your senses The calories The harvest
Three generations at the Italian-Slovenian border remember the XX century At the main Post Office in Trieste, an exhibition about the role of historic memory and its changes with different generations; inter-ethnic relationships in the regions traditionally mixed and across the Italian-Slovenian border.
Memorie diverse. Storie di frontiera. Italiani e sloveni a Trieste (Various memories. Frontier stories. Italians and Slovenians in Trieste) II Inter-regional Italia Slovenia VHS Memorie diverse Betacam 27 min color Torino Casablanca. Casablanca Torino. Cioè l’avventura. Video lettera. (Turin-Casablanca. Casablanca-Turin, this IS adventure! A video-letter) Documentario sui festeggiamenti del Ramadan a Torino e a Casablanca. […]
Memories of men and women living in the Piedmont valley before WWII In cooperation with the Piedmont Region, CRT Foundation, the Turin Province.
Educational workshop about fairytales in the world: Identity and Differences, Turin